Thursday 5 January 2012

Forget about married

Up for a new life direction. Let 2011 pass with so many nightmare. Erk. Ugly reality.

I plan to LIVE IN A NEW CITY for 2 years each. Start from Perak.

Now i am 26, Malaysia have 13 country. Tolak Sabah, Sarawak,  Perlis, Kedah, Melaka dan Penang = 7. 7 x 2 =14. Gonna finish my Malaysian tour by age 39. Back to comfort life, adopt a bby. Choose the city which i love the most while i travelling around the country.

Start from ,

Perak (26,27)
Selangor (28,29)
Negeri Sembilan (30-31)
Johor (32-33)
Pahang (34-35)
Terengganu (36-37)
Kelantan (38-39)

Pray for me pretty please. Thank You!

P.s. About job. I don't mind jadi kerani pun i okey.

New City

Decide to move to new city. New job. New environment. New life. New me.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Aku pasrah.

We make mistake sometime. Kadang2 teralalu besar sampai kita kena tanggung untuk seumur hidup. Aku pasrah.


I decided to move house, living alone. Sangat bersemangat okay dokey.

I need to learn to live without my bf. not even like. What to do. I am still young. So much things waiting for me.

I think he is the best for me. But god know the best.

Nak cari rumah yang dalam linkungan RM300-400.

Monday 28 November 2011

Hati, Tabahlah

Bila Tuhan ambik balik semua orang yang kita sayang. Orang yang ambik berat hal kita sebab Dia nak kita sentiasa ingatkan Dia. Dia sayangkan kita. Dugaan Tuhan mungkin Dia bagi kita kesenangan, kabahagian sampai kita alpa dengan nikmat yang Tuhan bagi. Atau susahkan kita, ambik orang yang kita sayang sampai kita terumbang ambing. Bertanya pada diri apa lagi yang ada? Buruk sangka dengan masa depan sendiri, bila semua yang diusahakan. Benda yang diharapkan tak menjadi.

I been trough dua bentuk dugaan itu serentak. And finally, I have nothing. Semua hilanng...Tapi syukur keimanan yang tak sebanyak mana dalam diri masih ada. Dalam mencari hala tuju hidup, keimanan yang tak seberapa ini menjadi satu sempadan dan membuatkan I terus tabah . I lost direction tetapi masih dalam keimanan.

I just take day by day. Tak ada hala tuju. Fikiran kosong. Achievement lead to happiness. Have you heard? I have nothing can make me happy. I need to plan mylife. And I need to plan my achievement that I capable to. Hargai 2-3 orang yang masih peduli pasal I. Taking care of my health because that is the most valuable thing God give us. Tak semua orang dilahirkan sihat dan sempurna sifat. For that, Alhamdullillah.

I always blam my fate, kenapa? But do I really take my life seriously? No. Never. I take everything for granted. I never do nothing with all of my heart. I never take anything seroious in my life. I sleep during exam. Enough said. I copy my assignment. I ponteng kelas. Tapi...ada je orang yang bagi I peluang. Do I give chance to myslef? No...Peluang sentiasa ada. Tapi I did not appreciate it.

I mabuk dengan keseronokan sementara. I said. What The Hell. Okay now I need to go back to earth and start life over again and being responsible to all mistake that I make. I won't blame anyone. That my choice. I won't blame myself to. Its the future that written to me. Even its different from other people normally. Its doesnt mean I cant be happy. Sucikan hati. Jauhkan perasaan cemburu. Insyaallah, God will I will be happy just like other people. Tak perlu nak samakan hidup orang dengan hidup sendiri. Happy its all that matter. Tuhan sayangkan semua ciptaan-Nya. Walaupun kadang-kadang terlupa hakikat itu. Kadang-kadang terlupa nak bersyukur. Kadang-kadang malas nak bersujud kepad si pencipta. Kadang-kadang ingkari larangan-Nya. Tapi dalam hati teguhnya keyakinan dan sedikit keimanan kepada Nya. Thanks to arwah ayah sebab hantar sekolah agama. Nak anak dia pandai agama tapi anak dia nak berhibur kenal dunia. Tak nak belajar agama. Mabuk dengan duniawi. Tapi dalam keterpaksaan diusia 13 tahun. Pegangan dikuatkan. Cara solat menyambah Tuhan yang betul dipelajari dan Alhamdullillah.

Today, I duduk fikir what do I do? What will happen tomorrow. How my future? Tapi mungkinkah akan bernafas sampai esok? Kenapa nak risau kan masa depan yang belum tentu I akan hidup lagi? Hidup selepas mati yang pasti tu, I tak risaukan pulak? Tak sangat macam I risaukan masa depan I. Ya Allah, betapa lalainya hamba-Mu ini. Dalam keseronokkan dunia. Which finally leave me nothing.

Thursday 24 November 2011

This is your life.

Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop;
they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.

Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.

When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.

Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.

Some opportunities only come once; seize them.

Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.
Live your dream, and wear your passion. Life is short.


When you become successful, it's a mark of character if you can stay grounded and remain humble..

Facebook Status : So busy looking for big money maybe. Sorry lama tak berfacebooking....opsss. alhamdullillah
Facebook is not a place to show of. If you want to motivate others to make big money as you do. Motivate in a very high class manner. Seriously? Am i jeles? Hell no. I have more friends who drive more succesfull and i kagum dengan mereka tersangat when they were really humble,  in very young age. Attitude please.

“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”

Kinda stress with work and my personal problem.

Previous client ada audit. asking me everything.

Padahal semua i dah bagi, soft and hard copy.

And dah dekat setahun my company habes job dengan that previous client.

What can i say?

Oh. Tonight have farewell party for trainee.

Hope halal food....dengarnya western food...

Last night me and my bf open up about our previous life.

Our childhood memory which so sad to both of us.

We don't have such nice memory as other might have.

Feel like i become closer to him.

Okay Got To Go....

I want to settle all prevous client work and today i dedicate to them...after this....boleh blah...

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Word to Live By * Mari Bersenam

"An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body." - General George Patton

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Facebook status

Facebook status : Hey harini. sehari sebelum gaji. tapi i shopping. mall lenggang. Tenang rasa.  
motif, bukan nak bagitau mall lengang sangat tapi nak bagitau duit dia berkepuk. orang lain dok sip belum gaji. macam i ni yang semekin. dia senang lewa shopping like hell. But perlukah nak highligh that you make more money than anyone else? Motif? Nak menunjuk?